
The Magazine Of The Selfie Generation

CashCats of Instagram

Do you like Cats? Do you like Money? Synergy.

CashCats, where they made feline fluff-balls into corrupt businessmen and gangsters. Their chubby confused faces surrounded by piles of dollars happens to be quite humorous. Some cats even look a little intimidating, as though they wouldn’t think twice about setting their minions on you, scratching till you handed over the money you owe them. So they can buy their grade A cat-nip, designer goods and guns… Yes, these cats have handguns (probably just the American ones).

Enjoy these serious money loving pussycats below…

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About Katie

Mainly vegan recipes, some lifestyle bits, maybe some pugs. What’s not to like? My background… I split my time between Devon and London and share my life with a little dog called Bela Lugosi. I currently study BS (hons) Forensic Psychology but have a previous degree in Screenwriting and Producing. I like my animals alive, hence the move into the vegan world. I still like tasty food so sugar and flour will feature in my recipes, vegan’s have a tough time in the food world, I like to keep it as comfortable as possible. I hope you enjoy my recipes…

2 comments on “CashCats of Instagram

  1. smilyking1976
    August 22, 2014

    Nice! Having essentially been self-employed for most of my adult life, I appreciate the courage and determination required. I wish you great good fortune as you move forward

  2. greatbritain1989
    November 19, 2014

    This is a total 10!

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